Beginning of the main content
International Center
- Contribute to achieve world peace through academics and educations
- Develop international ways of thinking among students, faculties, and staff to nurture human resources enthusiastic to contribute in international exchanges and cooperation through the International Center operations
Objectives of Activities
- Promote sending students abroad and accepting foreign students to develop international ways of thinking among undergraduate and graduate students
- Promote internationalization of education and research through active exchanges and collaboration with foreign universities and research institutes
- Contribution to international cooperation with intensified collaboration with such organizations as JICA and JICE; return the benefits to student education
Works at the Center
Department of International Exchange / Department of International Cooperation
- Concluding agreements for international exchange programs
- Acceptance of International Students
Acceptance of Government Scholarship International Students
Acceptance of Exchange Students
Japanese Language Education
- Expedition of StudentsExpedition of
Exchange Students / International Cooperation Operation
Collaborative operations with JICA
Collaborative operations with JICE
Cooperation of international education to developing countries
- Acceptance of foreign contract-researchers
- Research in International Educational Cooperation Research collaboration with International Educational Agencies
Research in developing educational/learning materials
The end of the main content