6.音楽研究コース(岩見沢校)Music Research Course
1.概要 Program Overview
音楽の専門を習得することを目的としたコース※在籍大学で音楽を専門として勉強している学生が対象 (ただし、楽器によっては受入できない場合がありますので、留学申込み前に確認してください)
Program specialized to master various forms of visual arts and social studies.
※Students who spacialize in music at their original university are eligible (However, certaion areas of specialization may not be accepted for various reasons, so please contact and check before applying to the program).
2.開設科目 Courses offered
1~4により、合計7科目以上を履修すること。Take a total of seven or more classes from the subject 1 through 4.
1.演習授業(1コマ以上)Seminar Classes (1 credit required)
- 声楽、ピアノ、管・弦・打楽器演習 作曲各I~IV
- 合唱,合奏 I~IV
- ソルフェージュ I~IV
- 指揮法 I~III
・Vocal music, Piano, Wind instruments, String instruments, Percussion instruments,
Composition (I–IV)
・Chorus, Ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Chamber Music) (I–IV)
・Solfège (I–IV)
・Conducting (I–III)
2.研究演奏(1コマ以上)Research Performance Jury (1 credit required)
- 指導教員が担当 Directed by an academic advisor
3.留学生セミナー(1コマ以上)International Student Seminar (1 credit required)
- 指導教員が担当 Directed by an academic advisor
4.選択科目(1コマ以上)Elective Courses (1 credit required)
- 留学生が希望する科目 Courses chosen by international students based on their interests.